european network for the study of adrenal tumors


The overall aim is to improve care for patients with adrenal tumors.

By this official certification ENS@T also aims to achieve the following goals:

  • Improve research and enrollment of patients in translational and/or clinical trials and pave the way for high-quality and personalized medicine
  • Improve structural cooperation among clinical disciplines
  • Improve patient follow-up and quality control
  • Improve patient documentation and provide data for epidemiology and public health
  • Improve recognition and visibility of centers at national and international level
  • Provide guidance to establish reference center standards
  • Offer increased networking opportunity

Application process

Centers apply through a representative researcher/clinician, who serves as the contact point throughout the accreditation process. Accreditation will be initiated only upon provision of all required documents and following transfer of associated costs. Accreditation is performed by an accreditation committee that is formed at the discretion of the ENS@T executive committee.

Documents are reviewed off-site. If requested by the accreditation committee, additional appropriate documents have to be provided.

Applications are considered when payment has been received as specified below.


First application:

  • Clinical centers:
  • Basic rate: € 2000.-
  • Rate for each sub-specialty (i.e. ACC, PPGL, NAPACA, APA, Research center): € 500.-
  • Research center: basic rate. € 500.-


  • Clinical centers
  • Basic rate: € 1000.-
  • Rate for each sub-specialty (i.e. ACC, PPGL, NAPACA, APA, Research center): € 250.-
  • New application for additional sub-specialties as part of a renewal process is considered as a new application with a charge of € 500,-
  • Research centers: basic rate: € 250.-

In case of unsuccessful application, costs for the basic rate are not refundable.

Details on the application process can be found HERE

Checklists can be found HERE as WORD document and the older version HERE

Tips for the prerequisites can be found HERE

Applications can be sent to Mrs. Dr. Ariadni Spyroglou at

The map below shows existing ENS@T Centres of Excellence:

  © ENS@T - European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors 2002 - 2012