ENS@T scientific awards
Scientific Awards 2025: placeholder ONLY!
This year the applications are open for the ENSAT scientific awards corresponding to the four established working groups of ENS@T: ACC, APA, NAPACA and PPGL.
For the ENSAT scientific awards there are for each working group 2 awards, one for a clinical paper and one for a basic science paper (so 8 in total), endowed with each 1000 €
Applicants are asked to provide:
1 - a short cover letter (250 words max) in which the candidate is stating for which of the four main categories (ACC, APA, NAPACA and PPGL) and if for the clinical or basic science award she or he is applying and elaborates what her/his paper brings new to the field
2 - a CV (max one page)
3 - a signed statement by the applicant(s) that all the other co-authors have been informed and agreed with the authors’ application
4 - published/accepted (in this case please include acceptance letter) scientific manuscript (original research, NO RVIEWS) no older then one year old considering from last years' deadline for submission (so between September 19th 2023 and September 15th 2024)
all together AS A SINGLE PDF file to ensatweb@gmail.com
The rules for submission are:
- Applicants have to be active members of ENSAT (associated or full members with their membership paid up to date)
- Applicants can apply for only one award per year
- Research has to be carried out primarily in Europe. The scientific work has to be accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal prior to submission. Publication should not have taken place longer than one year before application date (see above). Only original research publications (NO reviews) are allowed.
- Applicants should be within 15 years of receipt of their doctoral title (PhD or MD) at the time of application. PhD or MD students are also eligible and encouraged to apply. No more than two applicants are allowed per paper. Collaborators (e.g. co-authors of a manuscript) not applying for the award must have provided the applicants with their consent before the application (see above).
Submission are open until September 15th at midnight.
The winners will be divulged and the prize certificates will be handed over during a special session of the 2024 ENSAT Meeting in Palma de Mallorca, Spain (so the candidates have to be present at the meeting to receive the award).
We are looking forward to your applications!
In addition to the ENSAT scientific awards for the best publication in the field there will be further awards on site:
-Poster awards: poster sessions with 1 prize/session
-Oral communications prizes will also be handed out on site.
The ENSAT Executive Committee
Scientific Awards 2024
ENSAT Scientific Awards
Bruno Allolio Scientific Awards for ACC research
ENSAT Scientific Awards for APA research
ENSAT Scientific Awards for NAPACA research
ENSAT Scientific Awards for PPGL research
ENSAT Meeting Awards
Best oral communications
Best posters
Scientific Awards 2023
ENSAT Scientific Awards
Bruno Allolio Scientific Awards for ACC research
ENSAT Scientific Awards for APA research
ENSAT Scientific Awards for NAPACA research
ENSAT Scientific Awards for PPGL research
ENSAT Meeting Awards
Best oral communications
Marc Philipp Schauer, Würzburg, Germany
Lorenzo Tucci, Bologna, Italy
Bakhta Fedlaoui, Paris, France
Kotaro Sasaki, Philadelphia, USA
Tom Drossart, Paris, France
Carlota Arenillas, Barcelona, Spain
Best posters
Scientific Awards 2022
details coming later
ENS@T Scientific Awards 2021
ENSAT Scientific Awards
Bruno Allolio Award for ACC research
ENSAT Award for APA research
ENSAT Award for NAPACA research
ENSAT Award for PPGL research
ENSAT Flash Talk Awards
ENS@T Awards 2020
ENSAT Scientific Awards
Bruno Allolio Award for ACC research
ENSAT Award for APA research
ENSAT Award for NAPACA research
ENSAT Award for PPGL research
ENSAT Flash Talk Awards
ENS@T Awards 2019
ENSAT Scientific Awards
Group picture of ENS@T scientific awards winners
Bruno Allolio Award for ACC research
Anne Jouinot
For the work: DNA methylation is an independent prognostic marker of survival in adrenocortical cancer
ENSAT Award for APA research
Masanori Murakami and Yara Rhayem
For the work: In situ metabolomics of aldosterone-producing adenomas
ENSAT Award for NAPACA research
Grethe Astrom Ueland
For the work: Adrenal venous sampling for assessment of autonomous cortisol secretion
ENSAT Award for PPGL research
Bruna Calsina and Luis Jaime Castro-Vega
For the work: Integrative multi-omics analysis identifies a prognostic miRNA signature and a targetable miR-21-3p/TSC2/mTOT axis in metastatic pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma
ENSAT Poster Awards
Group picture of poster awards winners
Kate Warde for the poster: Investigating the role of the Liver X Receptor in potentiating mitotane therapy in adrenocortical carcinoma
Xiao Wang and Daniel A. Heinrich for the poster: Identification of potential predictors of adrenal insufficiency after unilateral adrenalectomy for primary aldosteronism
Guido di Dalmazi for the poster: Prevalence and incidence of atrial fibrillation in a large population of adrenal incidentalomas
Carlota Arenillas for the poster: Highly frequent EPAS1 somatic gain-of-function mutations and genotype-phenotype associations in Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas of Patients with Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
and some more photos from the awards dinner:
ENS@T Awards 2018
Bruno Allolio Award for ACC research
Juliane Lippert
For the work: Targeted molecular analysis in adrenocortical carcinomas: a strategy towards improved personalized prognostication
ENSAT Award for APA research
Fabio L. Fernandes-Rosa
For the work: A gain-of-function mutationin theCLCN2 chloride channel gene causes primary aldosteronism
ENSAT Award for NAPACA research
Ábel Decmann
For the work: MicroRNAExpression Profilingin Adrenal Myelolipoma
ENSAT Award for PPGL research
Bruna Calsina and Maria Currás-Freixes
For the work: Role ofMDH2 pathogenicvariant in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma patientsSusan Richter and Barbara Klink
For the work: Metabolome-guided genomics to identify pathogenic variants in isocitrate dehydrogenase, fumarate hydratase, and succinate dehydrogenasegenes in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma
ENSAT Poster Awards
Group picture of (almost) all poster awards winners
Laura Landwehr for the poster: Steroid hormones and cancer immunity – insight into adrenocortical carcinoma
Kelly de Sousa for the poster: Characterization of the genetic, cellular and molecular heterogeneity in aldosterone producing adenoma
Valeria Bisogni for the poster: Onset of autoimmune diseases in patients with Cushing’s Syndrome after successfully treatment
Judith Goncalves for the poster: Sdhd knockout cells, a new model to explain sdhb-related malignancy in paraganglioma
Paradifference Foundation Awards 2017
ENSAT and Paradifference Foundation Awards for malignant PPGL research
Lucie Evenepoel
Serena Martinelli
For the work: The microenvironment induces collective migration in SDHB silenced mouse pheochromocytoma spheroids
ENS@T Awards 2017
Carmen Ruggiero
For the work: Dosage-dependent regulation of VAV2 expression by steroidogenic factor-1 drives adrenocortical carcinoma cell invasion
ENSAT Award for APA research
Giacomo Rossitto
For the work: The subtyping of primary aldosteronism by adrenal vein sampling: sequential blood sampling causes factitious lateralization
ENSAT Award for NAPACA research
Isabel Weigand
For the work: Differential expression of the protein kinase A subunits in normal adrenal glands and adrenocortical adenomas
ENSAT Award for PPGL research
Laura Remacha
ENS@T Awards 2016
Bruno Allolio Award for ACC research, basic:
Coralie Drelon, Clermont-Ferrand
For the work: PKA inhibits WNT signalling in adrenal cortex zonation and prevents malignant tumour development
Bruno Allolio Award for ACC research, clinical:
Sebastien Gaujoux, Paris and Radu Mihai, Oxford
ENS@T Award basic:
For the work: Genetic landscape of sporadic unilateral adrenocortical adenomas without PRKACA p.Leu206Arg mutation
Tanja Dekkers , Amsterdam
For the work: Adrenal vein sampling versus CT-scan to determine treatment in primary aldosteronism: an outcome-based randomized diagnostic trial
ENS@T ACC Poster Award:
For the work: Detection of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC)
ENS@T Pheo/PGL Poster Award 1:
Vanessa D’Antongiovanni, Florence
For the works: Tumor microenvironment increased the migration capabilities of murine pheochromocytoma SDHB silenced cell & Role of microenivornment on metabolic control of murine pheochromocytoma SDHB silenced cell
ENS@T Pheo/PGL Poster Award 2:
Edward Buitenwerf, Groningen
For the works: Pheochromocytoma RandomisEd Study Comparing adrenoceptor Inhibiting agents for Preoperative Treatment (PRESCRIPT) – an interim analysis
ENS@T NAPACA Poster Award:
Sara G. Creemers, Rotterdam
For the work: LCI699 is a potent inhibitor of cortisol production in vitro
ENS@T APA Poster Award:
Giacomo Rossitto, PaduaFor the work: Differential effects of cosyntropin and metoclopramide on selectivity and lateralization index during subtyping for Primary Aldosteronism
ENS@T Awards 2015
Bruno Allolio Award for ACC research, basic:
Matthias Kroiss and Silviu Sbiera, Würzburg
For the work: Mitotane inhibits Sterol-O-Acyl Transferase 1 triggering lipid-mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis in adrenocortical carcinoma cells
Bruno Allolio Award for ACC research, clinical:
Rossella Libé, Paris
For the work: Prognostic factors in stage III – IV adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC): an European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumor (ENSAT) studyENS@T Award basic:
For the work: Different somatic mutations in multi-nodular adrenals with aldosterone producing adenoma
Nelly Burnichon and Luis Jaime Castro-Vega, Paris
For the work: Multi-omics analysis defines core genomic alterations in pheochromozytomas and paragangliomas
ENS@T ACC Poster Award:
For the work: Nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT) as a novel molecular target in adrenocortical carcinoma - impact of NNT knockdown on adrenocortical cell proliferation, redox balance and steroidogenesis
ENS@T Pheo/PGL Poster Award:
Elena Rapizzi, Florence
For the work: Biochemical and functional characterization of a murine pheochromocytoma cellular model: Role of THE microenvironment
ENS@T NAPACA Poster Award:
Ljiljana Marina, Belgrade
For the work: The role of chronically elevated levels of luteinizing hormone in the cause-effect relationship between the size of adrenal incidentaloma and insulin resistance
ENS@T APA Poster Award:
Carmina Teresa Fuß, Würzburg
For the work: High expression of C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 in the zona glomerulosa and in aldosterone producing adenoma
ENS@T Awards 2014
And the winners of the ENS@T Awards for the year 2014 are:
ENS@T Awards:
Rossella Libé, Paris
For the work: ARMC5 Mutations in Macronodular Adrenal Hyperplasia with Cushings Syndrome
Guido di Dalmazi, Munich
For the work: Novel somatic mutations in the catalytic subunit of the protein kinase A as a cause of adrenal Cushings syndrome: a European multicentric study
ENS@T ACC Awards:
Guillaume Assie and Eric LeTouzé, Paris
For the work: Integrated genomic characterization of adrenocortical carcinoma
Cristina Ronchi, Würzburg
For the work: CYP2W1 Is Highly Expressed in Adrenal Glands and Is Positively Associated with the Response to Mitotane in Adrenocortical Carcinoma
ENS@T Awards 2013
And the winners of the ENS@T Awards and ENS@T meeting poster awards for the year 2013 are:
ENS@T Award basic:
Angela Taylor and Vasileios Chortis, Birmingham
For the work: Mitotane therapy in adrenocortical cancer inhibits 5α-reductase and induces CYP3A4 explaining the need for personalized glucocorticoid and androgen replacementENS@T Award clinical:
Maria Christina de Martino, Paris
For the work: Molecular Screening for a personalized treatment approach in advanced adrenocortical cancerENS@T ACC Poster Award:
Constanze Hantel, Munich
For the work: Establishment of patient-individual tumor models for endocrine tumors
ENS@T APA Poster Award:
Mirko Peitsch, Dresden
For the work: Utility of LC-MS/MS based steroid profiling in adrenal venous samples: discrepancies with immunoassay measured cortisol
ENS@T NAPACA Poster Award:
Barbara Altieri, Rome
For the work: Immunohisthochemical analysis of adrenocortical tumors
ENS@T Pheo/PGL Poster Award:
Christian Ziegler, Dresden
For the work: Characterization of a novel fluorescence-based animal model of pheochromocytoma
ENS@T Awards 2012
And the winners of the ENS@T Awards for the year 2012 are:
ENS@T Award clinical:
Martin Fassnacht, Würzburg
ENS@T Award basic:
Pierre Val, Paris
For the work: Analysis of the role of Igf2 in adrenal tumour development in transgenic mouse models