working groups
Massimo Terzolo, MD
Head of Department of Internal Medicine I
University of Torino
Regione Gonzole 10
Torino, Italy
Period in office: 2019-2025
Dr Judith FAVIER
Research Director, Head of the Genetics and Metabolism of Rare Cancers Laboratory, INSERM U970 – Paris-Cardiovascular Research Centre of the Georges Pompidou Hospital (HEGP), University Paris, Paris, France
Judith Favier was trained as a molecular and cellular biologist as a PhD at the Collège de France (Paris) and a post-doctoral fellow at the Montreal Heart Institute (Canada), during which she studied the role of HIF2a in angiogenesis. Since, her main research interest has been the study of the genetics and the biology of pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas with a particular focus on SDHB-mutated tumors. She holds a Research Director position in the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and leads the team “Genetics and Metabolism of Rare Cancers” at the PARCC-HEGP. She is the Co-Chairman of the «Animals models» working group of the Pheochromocytoma Research Support Organization (PRESSOR) and was the previous co-chair of PRESSOR (2015-2018). She is an Associate Editor at the Endocrine-related Cancer journal.
Period in office as Head of PPGL WG and treasurer: 2021-2024 and 2025-2027
Peter Igaz, MD, MSc, PhD, DSc
Head of the Department of Endocrinology
Semmelweis University
Dept. of Endocrinology, Dept. of Internal Medicine and Oncology, ENETS center of excellence, ENSAT research center of excellence
Budapest, Hungary
Peter Igaz is full professor of internal medicine and endocrinology. He is currently the head of the Department of Endocrinology at the Department of Internal Medicine and Oncology, Semmelweis University. Between July 2016 and May 2020, he served as the director of the 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Semmelweis University that under his leadership was awarded the Center of Excellence Title of the European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society in 2019. He is Co-Head of this ENETS Center of Excellence. In 2020, his research group was awarded the title of Research Center of Excellence by ENSAT. He has boarding exams in internal medicine, endocrinology, clinical genetics and clinical oncology. Beside his medical degree (MD), Dr. Igaz has degrees in biology (MSc, molecular biology) and laws (JD). He was awarded the PhD in 1999 and the Doctor of Sciences (DSc) by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2013. His research focus includes the study of microRNAs, bioinformatics, adrenal tumors, hereditary endocrine neoplasia syndromes. Dr. Igaz has authored over 170 scientific papers and edited three books (Igaz P (Ed.): Circulating microRNAs in disease diagnostics and their potential biological relevance, Springer, 2015, Igaz P-Patócs A (Eds): Genetics of Endocrine Diseases and Syndromes, Springer, 2019, and Igaz P (Ed.): Practical Clinical Endocrinology, Springer, 2021). Moreover, he has written the popular science book of endocrinology: Hormonal Diseases, a Guide for the Layperson (Springer, 2024). He is an associate editor for the journal Endocrine Related Cancer.
Period in office as Head of APA WG: 2025-2027
Marta Araujo-Castro, Madrid, Spain
period in office: 2022-2026Guido di Dalmazi, MD
Unit of Endocrinology and Diabetes Prevention and Care
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences
Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
IRCCS S. Orsola Policlinic
Bologna (Italy)
Guido Di Dalmazi is an Associate Professor in Endocrinology at the Division of Endocrinology and Prevention and Care of Diabetes in the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences at the University of Bologna. He is the Director of the School of Specialization in Endocrinology of the University of Bologna. His research field focuses on adrenocortical tumors, with specific focus on hypercortisolism and adrenocortical cancer. Prof. Di Dalmazi is a member of several National and International Societies. He is coordinator of the Adrenal group of the Italian Society of Endocrinology and serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Endocrinological investigation.
Scientific Advisory Board:
period in office: 2024-2027
KIDS Working Group
Christina Pamporaki, MD, PhD, PD habil
Department of Internal Medicine III,
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus,
Dresden, Germany
Dr. Christina Pamporaki is a consultant endocrinologist and heads the Clinical Research Adrenal Unit at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus in Germany. She received her medical degree and completed her PhD Thesis at the University of Ioannina, School of Medicine, in Greece. She has acquired the specialty of “Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Diabetes” and her Habilitation in “Internal Medicine and Endocrinology” at the Department of Internal Medicine III in the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, in Dresden, Germany. Dr. Pamporaki´s research interests focus on adrenal disorders, endocrine hypertension as well as on the application of laboratory analytics in clinical trials.
period in office: 2025-2027
Scientific Advisory Board:
Ruth Casey, Cambridge, UKRonald de Krijger, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Maria Candida Fragoso, São Paulo, Brazil
Enzo Lalli, Valbonne, France
Verena Wiegering, Würzburg, Germany
period in office 2025-2027