Executive committee
Chair of the Executive Committee / President of ENSAT
Cristina Ronchi MD, PhD, FRCP, DSc
Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research (IMSR)
University of Birmingham
& Centre for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (CEDAM)
Birmingham Health Partners
Birmingham, UK
Dr Cristina L Ronchi is Reader in Endocrine Oncology at the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research (University of Birmingham, UK). She is also Consultant Endocrinologist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, where she serves as the Lead of the Adrenal Tumour Specialist Service. Her current research field focuses on the molecular pathogenesis of adrenocortical tumours and Cushing syndrome as well as novel prognostic markers for patients with adrenocortical cancer.
Dr Ronchi is a member of many national and international societies, is on the editorial board of several international journals and coordinated multiple studies on behalf of the ENS@T.
Period in office as NAPACA WG Head: 2021-2024
Period in office as President: 2025-2027
Treasurer and Head of the PPGL Working Group
Dr Judith FAVIER
Research Director, Head of the Genetics and Metabolism of Rare Cancers Laboratory, INSERM U970 – Paris-Cardiovascular Research Centre of the Georges Pompidou Hospital (HEGP), University Paris, Paris, France
Judith Favier was trained as a molecular and cellular biologist as a PhD at the Collège de France (Paris) and a post-doctoral fellow at the Montreal Heart Institute (Canada), during which she studied the role of HIF2a in angiogenesis. Since, her main research interest has been the study of the genetics and the biology of pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas with a particular focus on SDHB-mutated tumors. She holds a Research Director position in the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and leads the team “Genetics and Metabolism of Rare Cancers” at the PARCC-HEGP. She is the Co-Chairman of the «Animals models» working group of the Pheochromocytoma Research Support Organization (PRESSOR) and was the previous co-chair of PRESSOR (2015-2018). She is an Associate Editor at the Endocrine-related Cancer journal.
Period in office as Head of PPGL WG and treasurer: 2021-2027
Dr. Enzo Lalli
Research Director, Inserm
Head of the «Mechanisms of gene expression regulation in physiopathology» team
Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IPMC) CNRS i
Valbonne (France)
Coordinator of the CNRS EXPOGEN-CANCER International Research Project. His research interests are focused on the development, function and pathology of the adrenal gland.
Period in office as secretary: 2023-2026