european network for the study of adrenal tumors


18th ENS@T Scientific Meeting - 21-22 Nov 2019, Uppsala, Sweden

  • 21 Nov 2019
  • 08:00 (CET)
  • 22 Nov 2019
  • 18:00 (CET)


  • Info: be advised that auxilliary membership , a type of membership reserved for study nurses and technicians that only need access to the ENSAT registry, does not enable you to a free of charge participation at the meeting!
  • payable both online by PAYPAL (preferred method as it is fast!!)

    or offline by wire transfer to the following account:
    IBAN: FR76 3000 4001 6400 0100 7413 404
    Please be advised that it will take quite a while until the money transfer will be registered in your account as we need first the confirmation form our treasurer. We ask for the confirmation regularly but it may take up to one month until your wire transfer payment is registered.

Dear friends and ENS@T members,

It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the 18th ENS@T Scientific Meeting, which will be held in Uppsala November 21-22, 2019.

As tradition, the program will include scientific contributions as oral or poster presentations on the four traditional areas of ENS@T interest: adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC), pheochromocytoma/ paraganglioma (PPGL), aldosterone producing adenomas  (APA) and non-aldosterone producing adrenocortical adenomas (NAPACA) including adrenal Cushing’s and adrenal incidentaloma. The updates on the collaborative projects as well as the proposals for new ones are planned during the Working Group Meetings, which are scheduled consecutively in order to permit the participation to each of them. A major time slot (90 min) is reserved for poster presentation and discussion. Finally, at the end of the meeting, we have scheduled a slot for networking. During this time, you can meet with colleagues to discuss ongoing and future projects. A very preliminary program can be found HERE (click to open or save), a detailed agenda will be emailed to you all and will also be uploaded on our website soon.

We hope to replicate the highly interactive, stimulating, friendly and collaborative atmosphere, which has characterized the previous ENS@T meetings and we are confident that the scientific level will be as high as in the tradition of the ENS@T Scientific Community.   


Online registration for this event is closed. You can still however register for the event on site, please be aware though that you will not be able to participate at the awards dinner due to the fact that registrations for this event have to performed right in advance.

The same rules apply for the on-site registrations.

If you are not an active ENS@T member, you will have to register as a non-member and will be charged €100 to be paid online when registering at the meeting.

Avoid fees by becoming an ENSAT member! Go to to sign up today. If you are already an ENS@T member but you forgot to pay your membership fee, please login to your account at and follow the payment instructions.

ENSAT scientific awards

ENSAT is gathering again scientific works published in the last 12 months to be considered for one of the ENSAT scientific awards. For details about eligibility and how to apply you can go here: Deadline for submissions is 30th of September 2019.


Abstract submission

Deadline for abstract submission: Tuesday, October 15th, 2019, midnight.

To allow better planning, we would like to clarify that virtually all abstract will be accepted (except the topic is not adrenal at all) and the key question is only “oral” or “poster”. Thus, you and your fellows can certainly plan your travel immediately and you do not have to wait for the acceptance email.

Abstracts may contain up to 300 words. Please avoid including figures, tables and references.

Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to

Please use this template (click HERE to download or open)

Please note that you need to register separately from abstract submission. Submitting an abstract does NOT count as registration for the meeting and vice-versa.

We will contact the submitting author about the outcome (poster or oral presentation) by late October 2019.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Uppsala

On behalf of the Uppsala team

Peyman Björklund


Organizing Secretary: Birgitta Haglund,

Local Organizing Committee: Per Hellman, Tobias Åkerström, Fredrik Kristoffersson

Scientific Committee/ENSAT Steering Committee

Martin Fassnacht (Germany), Wiebke Arlt (UK), Guillaume Assie (France), Peyman Björklund (Sweden), Felix Beuschlein (Switzerland), Anne-Paule Gimenez (France), Martin Reincke (Germany), Mercedes Robledo (Spain), Tracy Ann Williams (Italy).

Practical Infos

Conference venue

Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd November 2019 (morning and afternoon)

Scientific Meeting:  Uppsala University Hospital, Rudbecklaboratory,  Rudbeck Auditorium.  

DagHammarskjöls Väg 20, 75237, Uppsala.

A detailed map of the venue can be downloaded HERE (please click to download or open)

Festive Award Dinner:   TBA

Dinner attendance will be free but, please note, the number of participants will be limited to 200 persons. Please, express your decision whether to attend the dinner or not clicking YES or NOT when registering.  To avoid disappointment, places are allocated on a first come, first serve basis.

Please inform us at if you have special dietary requirements.

Travel Information

To attend the whole meeting, we suggest arriving in the evening of Wednesday November 20th.

The closure of the meeting is planned midday Friday 22nd, to allow most of the delegates to fly back home on the same day. Nonetheless, we invite you to take the chance to spend the week-end visiting our beautiful city or Stockholm which is only a short 45 minutes ride away.

How to reach the conference venue

Urban bus

The Uppsala University hospital (Akademiska sjukhuset) is served by the following bus routes: 3, 4, 8 and 100. Bus stop; "Akademiska sjukhuset södra" (University Hospital South). The hospital is also served by several suburban lines connecting to neighboring municipalities.
For more information on these lines and other routes consult directly UL website.

From Stockholm Arlanda Airport:

The Stockholm Arlanda airport , which is located approximately 40 km from the hospital, is served by train, taxi, bus and car rentals. for information about busses and trains please consult SL at  or



The two major taxi operators which have fixed price for transport from the airport (Arlanda) are:

Uppsala Taxi; +46 18 100000 and Taxikurir Uppsala; +46 18 123456


There are many good hotels at all prices in Uppsala, a majority of them between walking distance.

Some photos from the last scientific eMeeting:

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  © ENS@T - European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors 2002 - 2012